Hoi4 scraping the barrel
Hoi4 scraping the barrel

Please share your protips for Bearer of Artillery achievement! 1. I've tried to do the Bearer of artillery, and as far as i have read i need to: Play as Poland Be Non-Alligned Controle state Hamadan in Iran Be at war with Italy Have atleast 1 division in Abruzzio, Tuscany or Latium Have completed the Artillery Modernization National focus I have done all of the above, and yet no event fired for the vojtek commander. This an example of *a way* to obtain the HOI: IV hidden achievement (Bearer of Artillery) Fair warning.there are a LOT of failures before a final succes. Poland may be in a faction that is not Soviet, but must remain non-aligned A guide for HoI4 Battle for the Bosporus as Poland now with up to 78% more Kielbasa!Following the steps laid out in this guide will help you to get the achie. But these are a set of required steps before it will trigger the event that unlocks commander Vojtek. I cannot give an in depth strategy on acquiring this achievement as I earned it through luck.

hoi4 scraping the barrel

How to unlock the Bearer of Artillery achievement.

Hoi4 scraping the barrel