(Q) The Inheritance(adds a really long, but fun questline) (M) Wasteland Defence(lets you make Anywhere into your Base and make defences and hire Guards as well as make waves of enemies attack your Base) (Q,L,C,M) World of Pain(adds a LOT of new locations and quests into FO:NV, may cause crashes) (Q,L) Nipton Rebuillt(lets you become mayor of Nipton and rebuild it with people moving in) (M) New Vegas Enhanced Camera(lets you see your body if you look down in 1st person) (W) Weapons of The New Millenia(adds about 90 new modern guns into the leveled list) (G) Fellout NV(removed the orange tinge to the wasteland) (L) ELECTRO-CITY: Relighting The Wasteland(adds more neon lights to The Strip and Freeside) (G) Wasteland Flora Overhaul(adds new plants) (G) Nevada Skies(makes the sky look better and adds Weathers into the game) (G) NMC’s Texture Pack for New Vegas(makes everything look better) (G) New Vegas Redesigned 3(makes the NPCs face not look like a potato) (M) 4GB New Vegas(lets you install bigger mods) (M) Mod Configuration Menu(adds a menu to configure mods in the pause menu)

(C) Arthr Marconi- Radio Companion(guy with a radio instead of a head) Example: rename Bloatfly/NCR Troopers to Jeff, all Bloatflies/NCR Troopers will be Jeff) (M) ReNamer Tools(rename NPCs and NPC Species. (M) The Groovatron(grab NPCs, make them do stuff, access inventory.) (M) Project Nevada(extra features(sprinting, bullet time.)) Items Icons(a misc mods about misc items.) (M) Bubba Shot The Jukebox(lets you blow up Radios and Jukebox by shooting them) (M) A Familiar Friend - Pip Boy 2500 - Handheld Pip Boy (C) Milton and Hans(Business Radroaches!) (W,A)TTW Anchorage Rewards(adds in Anchorage Items) (W) Pipe Weapons and Other Craftable Weapons (There might be some mods that are written twice. This is just a list of a couple mods that I found because of “Top New Vegas Mods” lists on what culture and other websites, but mainly AlChestBreach, who you should subscribe too. I love NV and I’m sure you do to if your reading this. Warning: Fallout Who Vegas and Nevada Skies are incompatible. Mods (G)= Graphics Mod, (All)=all of the categories,(H)=Player Home

(Q)= Quest Mods, (W)=Weapon Mods, (NL)=New Lands Mod, (L)=Location Mods, (A)=Armour Mods,(C)=Companion Mods, (M)=Misc.